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Financial Planning for Freedom Minded Individuals

Morning Newspaper
Morning Newspaper

When I received my first paycheck  I became upset when I saw the pay was short of the amount of hours I worked. Feeling cheated I asked my mother what was going on and that's when I found out about "Uncle Sam" and Federal taxes.  I don't know about you, but I am not ok with Uncle Sam having his hands in my pockets.

The day came when I learned that it does not have to be this way.  In fact the wealthiest companies and individuals in the world found out how NOT to pay taxes by avoiding them altogether.  You cannot have freedom and wealth with Taxes in the way. That's why Divine Order put together "Money Momentum Resources" to put "Money in your pocket", "Money in your Bank" and have "Money on the Way".

Amazon paid $0 in taxes on $11.2B.png

What I Learned about Taxes

What You Will Learn 

  • How to reduce your taxes to 5% or less with full disclosure filing all the proper paperwork.

  • How to protect your assets from lawsuits, divorce or any unforeseen events that costs you money

  • How to leave a bullet proof inheritance and legacy without worrying about lawyers' fees, probate, inheritance, death tax or the like. 


Money Momentum Resources

Let us show you the top methods

used to protect, control and grow assets 


Four Tenets of Wealth

  1. Put Your Money in the Proper Tax Position

  2. Protect Your Money

  3. Put Your Money to Work for You

  4. Pass Your Money to the Next Generation

"Own Nothing...Control Everything"

~Nelson Rockefeller

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